Friday, February 18, 2011

Harper's quotes of the week....

On Sunday, when we were heading out to church, Andy and I decided to take two separate cars because Andy had a massage appointment shortly after.  Harper overheard our conversation, walked over to her plastic, orange coop car and opened the door, saying, "I'm going to take my own car too."

I was getting Harper ready for school and we were having our daily battle to brush her hair.  She was protesting and I told her that I really needed to brush her hair because it had a knot in it.  She said, "A nut?!? There's a nut in my hair?"  I explained to her that it wasn't a nut, it was a knot.  A few days later, Harper was right up in Reid's face, as usual, and Reid reached her hand out and pulled on Harper's hair.  Harper said, "She wants the nut in my hair."

In the car: "Thank you mommy for my baby sister." sweet. 

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