Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting chubbier by the day.....

Since Reid and Harper started out at basically the same size, it is very easy for me to compare their weight gain.  At one month, Harper weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces after dropping to a low of 6 pounds, 3 ounces a few days after birth.  Since Reid doesn't officially have a one month appointment at the pediatrician, I am going to take her in next Friday for a weight check, since I am rather neurotic and likely unnecessarily concerned about her size.  I would guess that she is over 8 pounds now.  She no longer fits in newborn sized clothes and all she does is eat.  Well, eat, sleep and cry every time I try to put her down.  But mostly eat.  She is a very good sleeper.  Last night she slept 6 straight hours, nursed and then had a 4 hour stretch. As frustrating as it is to feed her literally all day long, I remind myself that it is much better than feeding her all night long.

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