Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finally- a break from the heat!!

We have been sweltering in the heat out here in Colorado for the past few months- I don't think it's dipped below 90 more of a handful of days since June- so when we woke to overcast skies, light rain and temps in the low 60s this morning, we were relieved and grateful.  I know I'll regret this thought when it snows for the first time, but here at the Pillari house, we are ready for cooler temperatures. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Harper's latest....

The fight continues.  Everyday I try to do something cute with Harper's insane, half-curly, half-straight, puffy, Albert Einstein hair and everyday she fights it.  I recently purchased some adorable headbands and they have stayed in her hair for about 10 minutes each.  Clips and bows stay in for almost half the day so they are my best bet.  My hairstyle of preference for her is a ponytail or pigtails.  Harper went along with the ponytail for a few days and now she screams, "no pony-hair mommy, no pony-hair!" Andy and I can't bring ourselves to correct her. 

I brought Harper in for a weight check at the pediatrician's office last week per their request at her 18 month appointment, when her weight dropped into the 4%.  I, admittedly, was very sensitive to Harper's size when she was a baby because I had a complex that she was too small- which in retrospect was very bizarre because she had a perfect, round, pumpkin head and rolls everywhere so I don't know where I got the idea she was skinny- but I have gotten over that hang-up.  She's just petite and that's not a bad thing.  She looks perfectly healthy and normal and still has a round face with chubby cheeks.  However, the doctor was thrilled with her weight gain at this appointment- she is up to a whopping 22 pounds, 2 ounces. When I asked the doctor what percentile that put her in,  I was surprised to hear that she was only in the 7%.  So 4th is bad but 7th is good? Is it really that much of a difference? The doctor explained that they were looking for her to stay in her general percentile range or go up and bad would have been if she had dropped percentiles.  Waste of a $30 insurance co-pay if you ask me....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our budding Picasso

Lately Harper has become very interested in her art easel and is particularly fond of the chalkboard and eraser.  Most of her drawings looks similar but she lets me know that they are all very different things.  Some of her favorite things to draw include: an airplane, eggplant, helicopter, crocodile, mouse, Oscar's name and a seahorse.  This is a drawing that she told me was a seahorse and I have to say, I could see it!

As good as it gets for now

Harper has been very "advanced" at many of typical toddler milestones- talking, walking......however, there seems to be one area that she is not interested in at all: potty-training.  I am afraid I may have talked it up a bit too much and caused her to be a bit paranoid about the whole thing.  Even bribing her with one of her favorite treats - sunspire chocolate drops (better for you M&Ms) won't convince her to get on.  But a few times lately she has walked around with her seat and tried using it on the floor.  Well, maybe not "tried using it", but at least sat on it.  Progress.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Harper stays with Grandma & Papa

Harper is staying with Grandma and Papa in Cleveland for a few days while Andy and I are in North Carolina for a friend's wedding.  It is our first vacation without Harper and even though Andy and I miss her tremendously, we are all handling it much better than I suspected.  Grandma is giving us regular updates and emailing lots of photos.  Harper appears to be having a blast.  She is also showing Grandma what a polite girl she can be by using all of her "kind words."  Here is a conversation Grandma and Harper had last night (courtesy of Grandma's email):

Grandma: Harper, how about getting out (of the bath tub) now and having some milk
and stories?

Harper:  No thank you;  I will stay in the bath tub.