Friday, August 6, 2010

Harper stays with Grandma & Papa

Harper is staying with Grandma and Papa in Cleveland for a few days while Andy and I are in North Carolina for a friend's wedding.  It is our first vacation without Harper and even though Andy and I miss her tremendously, we are all handling it much better than I suspected.  Grandma is giving us regular updates and emailing lots of photos.  Harper appears to be having a blast.  She is also showing Grandma what a polite girl she can be by using all of her "kind words."  Here is a conversation Grandma and Harper had last night (courtesy of Grandma's email):

Grandma: Harper, how about getting out (of the bath tub) now and having some milk
and stories?

Harper:  No thank you;  I will stay in the bath tub.

1 comment:

Debbie and Matt said...

That is so funny!! I am glad you are enjoying your trip. Hope to see you guys soon.