Saturday, October 25, 2008

Harper Elizabeth has arrived!

Saturday, October 25 at 11:56 am, weighing 6 pounds, 13 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches long. Lots more to follow but after a 24 hour labor, including 3 hours of pushing, both mom and dad are ready for some sleep!


Stephanie Kutsko said...

Congratulations, she is beautiful. We are still trying to figure out who she looks like, we are leaning more towards Jen. Good work on the long and hard labor, I'm sure every hour was worth it. We're excited to meet her, and Hadley is excited for a new playmate, she won't be the littlest anymore.

Greg, Steph, & Hadley

Nicholl Massullo said...

I can't explain how excited I am for the three of you, it brings it all back. Yes, get your rest, take advantage of the help in the hospital. Thanks so much for posting a picture, she is truly a beautiful little girl, so cute! Props to Jen for a twenty four hour later, I hope you sleep well tonight!

Nicholl, Brock & Ava

Kristin Anderson said...

Congratulations Jen & Andy! Harper is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to meet her over the holidays! Chris and I are so happy for you!