Wednesday, October 22, 2008

5 days overdue......

Well, the days keep passing and the baby stays inside. Of course it is rather frustrating but it is a good lesson in how little control we have over these things. Acupuncture is generally thought of as a great way to induce labor and as an acupuncturist, I was certainly counting on it working! But I have had 2 treatments and.....nothing! It has been a great lesson for me to see the limitations and it will give me a lot more insight into how to advise patients who come to me to be induced.

As of Monday, I was 90% effaced and 1 cm dilated. As I am learning in this process, that doesn't necessarily mean very much at all. 90% sounded good to me - that's an "A" right? But apparently you can stay at 90% for quite awhile before labor begins.

Our midwife group has a policy of not letting it's patients go over 41 + 3, so at the very latest, the baby will be here on Monday as I will be induced Sunday night. This is a situation I would very much like to avoid because I am not interested in taking any of the medications involved in induction. However, if it comes to it, I will go along with it without protest. If I'm still pregnant on Sunday there's a good chance I'll be up for anything.

We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

elisabetta said...

the newest little peanut to join the pillari family! hooray.