Friday, May 31, 2013

Our new adventure

As most of our friends & family already know, we took on a huge new adventure last month with the purchase of an herb company that we have admired and been affiliated with for years. I am now working full-time, operating as the president and Andy, of course, is assisting me with many aspects of the business, particularly the financial side. It is a dream opportunity in many, many ways. The company is very unique and very home-grown. It is big in some ways, with a national shelf presence in the natural products industry, but it is small and will remain rather small because our number one commitment is to quality & safety, concerns that are often compromised as a company gets too large.

My hours are flexible, I'm my own boss and I can continue to be very present in the girls lives. I don't have to worry about explaining to a boss when I need a few hours off to attend a school function or just take an afternoon off to go to a park. We've been lucky to have support from our family & friends, near and far, as we've embarked on this new adventure. It seems that every time we go through a challenge or change in our lives, the same people step up for us with support. I loved that I was processing orders from friends & family in the first few weeks of owning the business, I loved getting calls and text messages asking where friends & family could buy the products. We know who you are and we are grateful. We hope we can return the favor some day.

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