Thursday, July 19, 2012

Harper's First Race!

Harper and Luca ran in a 1/2 mile fun run before the 5K that Amy, Nick and I ran in last night. They both did so well, pacing about a 12 minute mile, which I was very impressed with for a 3 & 4 year old. We were so proud of them and they were so proud of themselves. Harper got a ribbon and we are saving her race bib as a souvenir. Hopefully the first of many to come. Before the race started, she was shouting and whining *which was driving me a little crazy* "I want to win!" She was relentlessly competitive despite us trying to explain to her that winning wasn't the most important part. During the adult's 5K, I could hear her screaming about wanting me to win from the confines of the jog stroller. It was funny, she didn't seem to notice the 200 people who finished before me, she was insistent that I won! Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Andy!

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