Monday, February 20, 2012

She's always got something to say ...

Parenting can be stressful, Andy works a lot, we've relocated twice in the past six months and are set to move again in 6 weeks.  Adjustments abound and since I will admit to being kind of a control freak, all of this uproar really tests the limits of my personality. Thank goodness we have Harper in our lives to keep us laughing.

Here are two memorable moments from today:

Me: We need to get out of this house or I'm going to lose my mind.
Harper: We need to get out of this house or I'm going to lose my hat. It keeps falling off my head!

Harper picks a hanger up off the floor in her closet and declares that it's a gun - no, I have no idea where she learned about guns and I really don't think that's part of the classroom conversation at a Waldorf preschool. Who knows. TV? The gym daycare? Anyway ...

Me: We don't talk about guns in this house, Harper.
Harper: (pausing, looking around the room.) Okay. Do we talk about blankets in this house?

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