Monday, July 21, 2008

Third Trimester Here We Come!

I am in my 27th week and will officially be in the third trimester as of Saturday! Time is going by very quickly, as expected, and Andy & I are thrilled and anxious to realize that in exactly three months our baby will either be here or very close to coming out. They say that the first baby is an average of 8 days late, so our modified due date based on that is October 25. She is going to be swimming in her Halloween costume this year, if I even bother to put one on her I suppose.

Andy and I are doing great! We were fortunate enough to take a "baby moon" to Costa Rica at the beginning of the month. We stayed at an eco-resort in the southwest part of the country, just north of the border with Panama, and did nothing but hike, swim, read and eat for an entire week. I continued the growth spurt I have been on since week 20 over the trip and left Costa Rica with a round, pregnant belly. It is a little shocking but nice. The trip to Costa Rica was followed by a trip to Connecticut where my family threw us a baby shower. Everyone was so generous and we are on our way to having everything we need to prepare for her arrival. This little girl will have no shortage of clothes, that is for sure! We are taking our last flight before the baby arrives over the weekend of August 2 to go to Cleveland for another baby shower with Andy's family and then we will be home in Colorado until after the baby's arrival.

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