Thursday, November 21, 2013

Reid's quote of the week

It's been a rough week here at the Pillari house. Thankfully, Gramma Pillari swept in to help spare us complete catastrophe. I woke up Monday morning unable to walk. I have felt this pain before, it's not something that is new to me, I have suffered with back issues for years. But this was definitely worse. A few hours into the pain, I realized that I was experiencing a medical emergency and Andy came home to bring me to the hospital.  

No surprise, I'm not really a hospital kind of girl. I was mortified by what was going on around me and what was offered to me (soda? really, soda?? Unbelievable.). I spared them my speech on how I hadn't drank soda since college and don't you know what's in that and no, diet is not better... Anyway, the hospital was the only place for me to be so I kept quiet and dealt. I accepted the drugs they offered me, despite the fact that nothing eased the pain- until they gave me liquid morphine and that only kind of eased the pain. Four MRIs later and they told me that I have 2 bulging lumbar discs and 1 herniated disc. I've basically been out of it all week. Today was the first day I could walk and I had appointments with my naprapath and acupuncturist. Tomorrow starts PT. I am determined to get through this and have my active lifestyle back! But I won't be participating in the 30/40 day yoga challenge at my studio! And no half marathons for a while. Think I'll try out swimming and Pilates for a while. 

Anyway, to Reid's quote. She is still nursing, which she still calls "nikkabow" and since I had to take drugs, I did not want her nursing.

Me, to Reid: I'm sorry you can't nikkabow, it's all filled with drugs. 
Reid: Filled with bugs!! That's not true Mommy.Your nikkabow doesn't have bugs!

And then she wrinkled up her face in disgust and jumped out of bed to find Daddy.

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