Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day at Lake Michigan

We took the girls out to the "beach" on Father's Day, which we were fortunate to also celebrate with Andy's parents who were visiting from Ohio. I will admit that I was a skeptical New Englander about this whole Midwest beach idea. I've heard people mention it a few times since we moved here and I've always assumed that the only reason they thought a lake qualified as a beach is because they had never been to an ocean before. Well, I was kind of wrong. Lake Michigan is so big that it really has a beach-y feel to it and there is plenty of sand to play in. As an added bonus, the waves are much, much tamer which actually makes it a relaxing experience compared to having young children around the ocean. We had a blast. It was such an easy trip, I think we'll make it back there often.

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