Friday, March 30, 2012

The world according to Harper ...

Jen does most of the posting on this blog (okay, all of the posting and she does a great job if you ask me!) but I (Andy, for those not following along at home) had a fantastic exchange with Harper tonight that I wanted to share.  Harper has lately been a bit curious about money and how you get some, so we have occasional conversations about how Mommy and Daddy work to get money and how she can do chores to earn some money.  We also will play fun games where she and I will sell toys back and forth to each other for quarters and we talk about how many quarters each toy costs.  Anyway, with that back drop we had the following conversation about her time at the zoo today.

Daddy: "Did you feed any animals at the zoo today?"
Harper: "No, we didn't have any money to buy food.  I wanted to get a toy in the gift shop but Mom said we didn't have any money.  We're going to bring lots of money next time so we can get lots of toys."
Daddy: "Do you want to do some chores around the house to earn some money?"
Harper: "I am going to get a computer in the mail, then I can do some work and earn some money.  The whole family will have computers and can earn some money."

If it were only that simple!

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