Saturday, September 10, 2011

Picture from our going-away party

As you can tell, I just haven't had the time to blog lately what with the boxes I am surrounded by.  Fortunately Andy has been home with us since we moved in on Wednesday and we have gotten the most important rooms done- the kitchen and Harper's bedroom (Reid is too young to really care). However, he starts back at work on Monday and I have a feeling that I'm not going to get any more unpacking done until I have some help.  I am interviewing a couple of babysitters over the next few days so it looks like help is on the way! Fingers crossed that one of them is the right fit for our family. I also have a few things lined up in the way of getting Harper back into a school program.  She has loved her school for the last year and I would really like her to go a day or two a week. I have found a few cooperative nursery schools in the area and will be contacting them on Monday. Also, on Monday,we are going for a visit, tour and preliminary child meet and greet at the Montessori school I would like her to attend beginning next year.  We missed the deadline for this year and besides, it's a five day a week program, which neither of us are really up for so early in life. The admission process for preschool these days seems somewhat like what I remember when I applied for college. Costs almost as much too. (ok, not quite...) Noting the absurdity in that.

Here is a pic of Harper, Reid and Miss Maureen- Harper's music teacher back in Colorado, who played at our going-away party.

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