Monday, January 17, 2011

A baby in the house

Harper never cared for her swing as a baby but it certainly piqued her interest today when we set it up.

Andy had today off from work and Harper went to school so we spent the day (after yoga for Andy and a prenatal appointment for me) getting more preparation for baby accomplished.  We also finally have more than two pictures on the walls of our house! We admittedly have dragged our feet on decorating our house, which we bought over a year ago.  I've been struggling with making the art, pictures and shelving from our house in the mountains work in this house with it's entirely different layout and color scheme. We know that this isn't our "forever" house so don't see the point in spending lots of money to decorate it to perfection, so it is what it is.  We finally took the plunge and just put things up! Our basement feels more like a living space than a basement for the first time, which is wonderful. 

I am being induced next Tuesday morning, January 25.  This is not the route I was hoping to take with this baby but given my continuing issues with high blood pressure, it is the best way to proceed.  I am officially on bed rest until the induction but it has been difficult to actually stay in bed, can't say I've been adhering to it very well : (. Fortunately, Andy has been acting as a superhero, juggling his work demands with the extra demands this situation has put on him.  Grandma Pillari is flying in on Wednesday, which will be another big help for us.  I have appointments scheduled for acupuncture, massage and chiropractic between Friday and Monday, with the hope that they will either bring on labor or make it easier on Tuesday.  We are praying that I go on my own before next Tuesday and that we bring a healthy baby into the world.

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