Thursday, December 23, 2010

Harper's quotes of the week

Imitating Mommy (I guess it's proof that she hears me):
"That is not safe."
"That is not age-appropriate"
"Cinnamon rolls not a junky food Mommy?"
"Don't say cooperating!"

Also- "If I'm going to be a fisherman, I need a fisherman hat and a private boat like Max" (from Where the Wild Things Are )

"Daddy goes to the office and Daddy goes to yoga.  I play with Daddy's pens and chalkboard at his office.  I'm going to put my yoga shirt on and meet Daddy after yoga and go out to breakfast.  That's a good idea!"    (Daddy isn't a teacher circa 1985 by the way, she calls his dry-erase board and markers, his "pens and chalkboard" and likes to erase his calculations and cover them with drawings of Hs and airplanes when we go to visit him at his office.)

"I've been thinking about marshmallows."

While drinking water out of a bowl on the floor, which she asked me to give her.: "Mommy, I'm just like a dog!"

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