Friday, November 5, 2010

After school snack

In general, I am anti-Jamba Juice because of their use of styrofoam cups, but when I picked Harper up from school on Wednesday, she asked me if she could have a "smoovie" and when her teacher told me that all she had eaten all day was broccoli and strawberries (pretty standard day for her at school), I decided a calorie-packed smoothie was a good idea.  So off to Jamba Juice we went, then we hit the park across the street from our house. 

We have been working with Harper on being friendlier to people- basic things like responding when someone asks her name, saying hello and asking questions.  She sometimes surprises me and does it unprompted.  There was a boy at the playground around 9 years old and she said to him, "My name is Harper," then pointed to me and said, "and that's Jennifer."  It cracked me up! She has called me Jennifer a few times over the past months but she has never introduced me as that.  She kept the laughter coming- from me and the boy, who was confused over what he called a "talking baby" when she pointed across the street to the mausoleum in the distance and said, "I built that castle."  The only reason I can think of that she said that was because she has been very into the "Olivia" series of books lately and in one of them, Olivia is on the beach and builds a sandcastle that looks a lot like this mausoleum. 

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