Monday, July 27, 2009

Nine month update

Harper is already 9 months, we are truly wondering where the months have gone. She had her 9 month doctor's appointment today. She is now 17 pounds, 3 ounces and is 27.5 inches long. She is in the 70% for head circumference, 50% for height and 25% for weight (a significant drop from the 60% for weight at her 6 month appointment). As my paranoia rose about her lollipop-shaped figure, the doctor reassured me that this pattern is typical for exclusively breastfed 9 month olds and that weight is distributed in this order: head, height and then weight. Given how active she is, it has been expected that she would thin out like this. But I will admit it makes me sad.

She is crawling, pulling herself to stand, attempting to walk around the furniture, pushing her wagon (a fantastic gift from Anna & Papa!) and attempting to crawl up our slate tile stairs, which we are completely restricting. Andy and I are struggling to baby-proof in an effective way because at this point she requires constant supervision, which is exhausting and does not facilitate cooked meals or a clean house. Her favorite activity is swimming and she is absolutely intrigued by books. She has shown a very clear interest in music and has quite the dance moves already. Not sure where those come from, certainly it is not me - maybe Oscar?

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