Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Harper's 5 month birthday!

Harper is five months old today. She is growing so fast and is meeting new milestones all the time. She now has two teeth - the two center ones on the bottom, she can roll and she is just about sitting up by herself. She is a very vocal little girl and likes to delight everyone within range with how loud her voice can get. One of her favorite pastimes is to blow spit bubbles. She still does not take a bottle very regularly and we are excited to begin solid foods next month. She is overall a very happy, mellow baby. She is a fairly good sleeper and always has been. She is not quite sleeping through the night yet. She goes down for the night at 7 pm and is up for the day sometime between 5:30/6, which Andy and I are not thrilled about but haven't thought of an effective way to stretch that. Any suggestions? I may try to move back her bedtime, it's just difficult because she is exhausted at 7. She is usually up once or twice during the night. Parenting has been such a joyful experience and Harper has grown so fast that I sometimes joke with Andy that I am ready for a second one. But then I come back to reality and realize that while that sounds wonderful, it would be very challenging and we are definitely not ready to add another one yet.


T H R E E said...

he should become a model...
absolutely handsome!

T H R E E said...

Ups sorry, I mean she.
she's definitely beautiful!