Sunday, November 16, 2008

Three week update

Harper turned 3 weeks yesterday. Everything is going great. The last week of my pregnancy, labor and delivery are turning into a distant memory - God's way of making sure that Harper gets a sibling. We are constantly amazed by her and by the drastic way her arrival has altered our lives.

On Thursday November 13, she weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, up from her birth weight of 6-13 and quite a bit bigger than the weight she dropped to after birth 6-3. (It is normal for babies to lose 10% of their body weight after birth.) At three weeks, she is starting to develop a personality. She is overall a very sweet and mellow baby but has a feisty side and lets it be known when she is unhappy.

Sleep has been erratic. She usually gives us a large stretch when she first goes down for bed, about 3 to 3 1/2 hours, but after she wakes up from that first stretch, anything goes. Her favorite activity is eating and the one thing I didn't realize about motherhood were the hours I would spent nursing her. Sometimes she does nothing but eat and need her diaper changed for hours at a time. I have been pumping often and Andy has been giving her a bottle a few times a week.

Andy had Harper duty for 3 consecutive hours yesterday while I got a massage and ran some errands and she drank 7 ounces of milk and went through 3 outfits! I haven't gotten the full story on why she went through so many clothing changes and maybe it's best I don't ask.

We decided to use cloth diapers instead of disposables and it has been going really well. It is actually much less work than we anticipated it being. The only difficult part is that I like to dry them on the clothesline or on the clothes rack instead of in the dryer, to keep it as environmentally-friendly as possible, and that can take hours on cold, cloudy days. Luckily we have more than 300 days of sunshine in Colorado. Our drying rack is like a new piece of furniture in our living room.

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